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Ryan Duffy


Meet Ryan

Ryan Duffy has been featured in several best selling books such as Hospitable Host Volume 2, Reputation DrivenA Life of Abundance and The Real Estate Investor. Ryan is currently working on a new book project with stories about land development, stay tuned! Ryan has been featured on dozens of Podcasts. Why all the buzz about this guy? He is very smart, a straight shooter. honest and passionate about real estate investing. He has a great sense of humor and is very good looking (can you tell his wife is writing this?!) Investors and inspiring investors alike love working with Ryan to procure, sell and develop their property. 
Ryan was a Chicago Firefighter for 9 years but ultimately had to change paths after severe back issues requiring multiple surgeries. After relocating and healing, Ryan started a remodeling business that became successful. He got his real estate license, started a brokerage and the rest is history. Ryan uses his experience as a real estate broker, builder, developer and vacation rental property manager to create unique developments and to guide clients and partnerships into lucrative ventures.